
Strategy & Delivery

Define Strategic Goals and Build a Plan to Achieve Them

Sustainable growth requires the alignment and effective management of all business processes. Calling on extensive functional and industry expertise, Aspirant applies a holistic approach to helping clients prioritize strategic goals and implement programs to consistently achieve them. We apply lean principles to drive continuous improvement that fuels ongoing operational excellence.

Alex Pointon

Managing Director,
Strategy & Delivery

We help companies establish and deliver against smart goals that contribute directly to reaching their unique definition of success.”

Strategy & Delivery Capabilities

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Strategic Planning

Utilize a formal strategic planning process to rally teams around shared key performance indicators and inform resource allocation.

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Business Process Consulting

Process Design
& Improvement

Align processes with business goals and maximize impact by implementing measures for continuous improvement.

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Strategy Consulting: Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence (OpEx)

Address capability gaps, revise functional structures, and adopt lean principles to transform operations into a well-oiled machine.

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Strategy Consulting: Strategic Delivery

Strategic Delivery

Install practical methods for process management and governance that help sustain elevated operational performance.

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Strategic Planning Consulting Services
How We Took a Client from Concept to Market in 10 Months

Tailored Pet Nutrition is a new brand in the direct-to-consumer pet food market. Aspirant helped them with Strategy, Vendor Selection, IT Architecture, and Program Implementation so they could go live with their eCommerce platform.

See How We Did It

Corporate Strategic Structure is the bedrock of any successful organization. Solidifying Goals, Objectives, and KPIs eliminates ambiguity with developing a cohesive action plan.

operational excellence consulting services

Direct Linkage of Strategy to Tactics

annual strategic planning services

Definitive Measures of Success

Aspirant Consulting: Strategic Planning Framework
DM strategy planning strategic priorities webinar web thumbnail template

Define Your Strategic Priorities

This quick 20-minute webinar is designed to help you with the initial phase of your strategic lifecycle plan. Aspirant's Engagement Manager, David McCoy, offers valuable perspective and provides practical planning and workshop tips.

Capability Details

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Strategic Planning

You wouldn't get in a car without knowing where you were headed, right? The same principle applies to managing a company. Without a proper strategic planning process, you are driving blind. Solidifying and documenting your business strategy will create the needed clarity on what your organization intends to do. Corresponding metrics and smart goals will establish how you plan to achieve those objectives. This forms executional priorities for managers, teams, and individuals, empowering them to focus efforts on initiatives that directly impact the shared key performance indicators (KPIs).

Aspirant's unique Integrated Expertise and proprietary AI-powered diagnostic tools strengthen and accelerate this distillation of business strategy into a practical, actionable plan. In close collaboration with client stakeholders, we identify the people, process, and technology needed to reach and maintain the targeted business goals. That includes the enablement of risk analysis and contingency planning practices that create a meaningful competitive advantage. The installation of programs for monitoring metrics and establishing governance will help ensure accountability going forward.

Whether you are starting from scratch or have an established strategic planning process, Aspirant can help implement a planning framework that will improve your company's performance.


  • Evaluation of pre-existing perceptions and program effectiveness via Digital Discovery®
  • Business planning facilitation (Cross-functional workshops, market analysis, business case development)
  • Integrated strategic framework design and alignment (Mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, strategies, tactics)
  • Accountability process formulation (Governance, oversight)

Process Design & Improvement

Rigorous strategy development is a crucial first step, but it can easily be undermined if it does not translate into action. A holistic review of existing processes will help evaluate the alignment, breadth, and quality of those work streams with strategic priorities. Oftentimes, this reveals the need to rethink ways of working or adopt new practices in order to achieve the established performance goals. 

Through earnest operational analysis and process mapping, Aspirant helps clients identify and rectify gaps between intentions and capabilities.

Aspirant incorporates functional and industry expertise into programs that will elevate core capabilities, improving your company's ability to deliver against key business objectives.


•    Functional structure analysis
•    Comprehensive process review and documentation
•    Alignment of tactical initiatives with business strategy
•    Capability gap analysis across people, process and technology
•    Enterprise process evaluation and redesign

Operational Excellence (OpEx)

Even the most sophisticated and effective operations will need periodic updates to keep up with ever-changing market conditions. Implementing and fostering a culture of continuous process improvement is the only way to stay a step ahead of the competition and ensure sustainable success.

Our experts apply proven process improvement methodologies as well as Agile and Lean principles to keep client organizations in top form. OpEx roadmapping and training programs help illustrate the available upside and empower employees to assume an active role in the ongoing evolution.

Aspirant's operations consulting will help your company adopt the best practices required for operational excellence in near and long term.


•    Creation of knowledge management systems

•    Training and coaching on continuous improvement

•    Lean and Agile framework application

Strategic Delivery

Methods for maintaining statistical process control are critical for effective operational oversight and governance. The resulting process management will ensure business continuity, enabling more agile, informed strategic leadership.

With clarity on how each role contributes to shared business goals, individuals and teams can focus on meeting better-defined expectations. Establishing specific channels for vetting new initiatives allows for them to be considered without distracting from those already underway.

Aspirant's Integrated Expertise provides clients access to systems integrations, data analytics, change management, and program management that collectively create the control systems for maintaining exceptional performance.


•    Development of strategic initiative charters

•    Vendor assessment and selection

•    Transformation planning and road mapping

•    Data capture, analysis, and reporting

•    Program and project leadership

Let's Talk

We'd love to help. Set time on our calendar that's convenient for you.

Client Success Stories