
Connection of Hope

Connection of Hope is Aspirant's commitment to raise awareness of, and help prevent, domestic violence. Read more about our events and initiatives below.

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Beginning the Connection of Hope in 2017 with Community Meeting

In late 2017, Aspirant announced an expanded campaign to directly impact the domestic abuse problem, titled Connection of Hope. Aspirant kicked off this campaign with a meeting at our headquarters in Nova Place to introduce our strategy to key Pittsburgh business and community leaders. The purpose of this inclusion was to have the greatest impact possible by asking these leaders to help shape our strategy and provide input on a series of events and opportunities. Watch a video recap of the meeting.

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Launching RUSafe App with Pittsburgh "Connection of Hope Day" in 2018

Aspirant and Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh (WC&S) held a launch event to release the new version of the RUSafe mobile app, along with other life-saving resources. To commemorate this event and the app launch, the City of Pittsburgh proclaimed the day CONNECTION OF HOPE DAY. The event was attended by more than 225 attendees, and designed to build awareness and recruit volunteers to champion domestic violence intervention. Watch a video about the launch.

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Gathering Corporate Champions Against Domestic Violence in 2019

Aspirant hosted an event called "Corporate Champions Against Domestic Violence" with WC&S in 2019. At the event, attendees learned more about the overall cause, the RUSafe app we developed for WC&S, how other companies are getting involved in this space, and most importantly, how they can help their own organization champion efforts to keep employees safe from harm. Guest speakers included members of the Pittsburgh Mayor's Office, Burson Cohn & Wolfe, and Koppers, Inc. View a video about the event.

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Aspirant Establishes Initiative with Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh

The initiative, titled “Aspire to Your Full Potential,” was started in 2020 and provides WC&S with funds to assist women and children gain freedom from abuse through transition-related expenses, including: relocation fees, transportation costs, moving expenses, education, legal fees, utilities, furniture, and even security systems. We created a video featuring our President & CEO, Mike McClaine, and WC&S' CEO/President, Nicole Molinaro, discussing the initiative.

For over 45 years, Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh has been a leader in providing safety, shelter, support, and guidance to all survivors of domestic violence.

Providing Domestic Violence Survivors Support

Part of the Connection of Hope campaign includes  Aspirant developing apps to provide education and early intervention in domestic violence. We started with RUSafe, a safety assessment app developed for Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh, in 2012. Rooted in our experience with RUSafe, we have been working with the Vodafone Foundation since 2015 to develop and launch the Bright Sky app across the globe. Aspirant has been deeply involved in the marketing strategy of the Bright Sky launch in the United States (2023), ensuring that the app and website safely reaches those that need it most.


Visit to learn more and become an advocate. 

Download the Bight Sky App
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