
April 9, 2018

Innovation in HR Can Accelerate Your Business

Organizational Effectiveness

The days where HR only handles company insurance, conflicts, and policies are coming to an end. HR planning is now integral to corporate strategic planning and the Human Resources department is a vital part of having a company that propels itself toward innovation.

While often they are seen as someone who puts the brakes on new ideas and operates from a place of risk assessment, the time has come for adaptation. As companies increasingly recognize the importance of human resources, they expect HR to be an agent of change from the start. They need to become more proactive with solutions and ideas instead of reactive to concerns.

Here are three ways in which to drive HR business innovation:


Align the People Strategy

Innovation starts with hiring. Are you hiring to meet diversity quotas and exact job descriptions? Or are you hiring diverse candidates who can help drive organizational change? Hire people who can help the company move forward, not just people who check all the boxes.

Design a performance management system that encourages innovative behaviors. What gets measured is what gets done. Establishing specific yearly goals to gauge individual performance reinforces your organization’s commitment to growth at all levels of the organization.

Elevate your top performer. Reward your team with more autonomy and engaging work and turn innovators into leaders. In a study by SHRM, 31% of HR professionals believe developing the next generation of organizational leaders is their biggest challenge in Human Capital.


Shift your Questions into Statements

Learn to be an innovator yourself; part of your job is to be a leader in your company. Instead of asking what you can do to help a situation, offer ideas and encourage productive conflict. When you see a roadblock to a company goal, don’t just point it out. You want to offer an alternative solution to pass the hurdle. 

Take control of what you have influence over. If upper management is looking for new talent offer to write up the job description, do the research needed and start the process of looking for candidates. Your value as HR is in more than just doing what you are asked, prove it.


Demonstrate Innovation in HR with Data

Goal tracking related to performance management, hiring, and contributing to innovation is critical. Everything should be measurable. You should be able to show how successful your strategies are.

Research your ideas, look at what other companies are doing, and share studies that reinforce your strategies. 


How Aspirant Can Help

Identifying and pursuing opportunities to innovate through HR can be challenging, but can also have a significant impact across the organization. Aspirant's Organizational Effectiveness experts can help develop and socialize a cohesive plan that keeps your company rowing in the same direction. Use the form below to request a casual discussion about how we can help your team overcome your unique challenges.


Judy partners with executives and leadership teams to engage and inspire employees in a way that delivers sustainable strategic results. She brings deep expertise and creative ideas to solve organizational effectiveness issues and closely collaborates in a way that builds internal capabilities. Judy has spent over 25 years consulting in a variety of industries, bringing her expertise in behavior to a wide range of organizational issues including organizational behavior change, leadership, change management, culture and engagement.

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