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June 11, 2018

Build Customer Intimacy through Analytics

Organizational Effectiveness

Businesses no longer have the luxury of leisurely analyzing data by digging through books, historical documents, and consulting experts. Everything happens now, and your organization needs to adjust at the same speed.

Focus on your customers needs, not your wants

Agile workflows will be the primary processes for keeping up with change. You’ll need to increase your analytical capacity and decrease you implementation cycle before potential customers glance over your website and move on.

Basically, data is ruling the world. You’ll need to structure your analysis and workflow so that you can evaluate it quickly and efficiently, for beneficial and repeatable results. Therefore, you’ll need to find out what your customer needs and wants, and make sure to show them what you have that fits their needs. Here are some best practices: 


Focus on your customers needs, not your wants

But you also can’t bombard potential customers with data. Personally, few things irritate me as much as repeated emails from a company with a link back to the exact things I was looking at on their site and with no sort of hook. I already know what I looked at. Show me something relevant. Show me a sale on the kind of items I was looking at. Or, show me something even better.


Don’t just collect user experience data, turn it into action

If you’re recording where I am on your site, you’ll see all the different things I’ve been clicking on and looking at. Put those things together and figure out what I’m really looking for. Analyze my behavior on your site; don’t just copy/paste the page I already looked at. And do that before I’ve left your site, or at least before I‘ve purchased from another.


Focus on the user experience

You must base the ads that are visible on the sides of my screen off of what I am looking for. That is already being done by the big guys like Amazon for many years.


Implement a data analytics team

Do you have a business analytics team? If not, why? It’s not something that only larger businesses need. And it’s also not something that should be entrusted to one guy who’s good with excel spreadsheets. Your team should consist of these experts:

  • Data Analyst (Pull on demand data, check data integrity, communicate data results)
  • Data Engineer/Developer (Develops and maintains the actual database)
  • Data Warehouse Manager (Controls data accessibility, documents data procedures and upkeep)
  • Data Storyteller (Turns data into story with charts, graphs etc., communicates meaning behind data)
  • Data Director (Data’s “voice” in executive management)

There could be multiple people for some of these roles, and it’s possible they won’t all be needed if you are not growth-oriented. But you will need most of these roles and someone who is dedicated to them. And I don’t mean someone who typically manages a department or other projects and analyzes data on the side.

To prepare, you’ll need people dedicated to data analytics and interpretation. It must be part of your workflow all the time. 

 Download Our Ebook Organizational Effectiveness for 2030


How Aspirant Can Help

Aspirant's Organizational Effectiveness experts can collaborate with your leadership to install the people, process, and technology that keeps you ahead of the game. Use the form below to schedule a casual discussion to explore how we can help implement a data analytics program that creates a competitive advantage for your company.


Judy partners with executives and leadership teams to engage and inspire employees in a way that delivers sustainable strategic results. She brings deep expertise and creative ideas to solve organizational effectiveness issues and closely collaborates in a way that builds internal capabilities. Judy has spent over 25 years consulting in a variety of industries, bringing her expertise in behavior to a wide range of organizational issues including organizational behavior change, leadership, change management, culture and engagement.

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