

The Ultimate Team Accountability eBook

This ebook provides practical steps for leaders to help their team become more accountable, including team evaluation, setting clear expectations, developing an environment of trust, shared purpose, and aligned communication.

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Accountability Ebook ft. image

Change Management Leader:

Judy Johnson, Ph.D Managing Director, Organizational Effectiveness email linkedin

What You'll Gain from this eBook

Evaluate Your Team Organizational Effectiveness
How to Evaluate Your Team
Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and considering team dynamics as a whole.
Accountability on Teams
How to Introduce Accountability
Connecting a team by creating a shared purpose, giving clear expectations, working through hardships, and celebrating successes.
Measure Team Accountability
How to Measure Accountability
Receive examples and tools to create your own scorecard for individual employees and teams to keep everyone on track and stay accountable!
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